- ansible-inventory-proxmox-internally-generated
- An ansible playbook that populates a host group containing the IP addresses of available nodes in a proxmox cluster.
- ansible-inventory-proxmox-externally-generated
- A shell script that generates a static ansible inventory file containing a list of available nodes in a proxmox cluster.
- stylesorter.com
- A freely downloadable web tool that effortlessly organises, formats & beautifies CSS
- mlqt.cc
- A traveller's photoblog inspired by the early 2000's self-publishing amateur photographer
- nodisc.net
- An incredibly verbose technical blog about computer builds, electronics projects and circuit ideas.
- 5577.io
- A unfinished curiosity blog about electronics engineering featuring a photography style from a few decades ago.
Once upon a time in 1995, I spent a number of days after school in the computer lab putting together a 1000+ line math quiz program in GW‑BASIC.
Predictably, I grew up to be a medical practitioner.
Welcome to my midlife crisis reboot.
no rights reserved.